Wednesday 15 October 2008

Finally willing to open his eyes and run:

There are two kinds of darkness:

Sometimes darkness is suffocating.
Because each thing we can’t see
We can’t count as a friend
And the world seems a lot smaller
When one can’t see the dangers.

The infinite space
Of loneliness crushes the air out
from forced smiles in gasps.

Finally my smiles are coming slightly less forces. After an oppressively disappointing start to the school year: 7 weeks of school, 1 hurricane, 2 new starts, 4 restructurings of my classroom, 12 special need students which I have no idea to need, 6 two time retainees, and far too many personal mistakes to count- I am starting to finally have a vision for my classroom.

Just stepping into the light from a rough start to the year- keeping my chin up, reading great books (Everything and Anything by Jerry Spinnelli). I thought the second year would be easier: I never thought I would ever say that I miss the first year of teaching. And I am sure that if I could time travel and the one-year-ago me was standing right next to me, he would punch me in the nose.

But, I am finally making positive gains from my first year. I can finally see the obstacles between my kids and their success. Maybe my smile won't be so forced anymore. Bring on the dawn!

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