Tuesday 9 October 2007

Quick Story

Today, my good friend and carpool buddy, Ms. Stacy was having trouble with one of her 4 year olds. Ms. Stacy has one little girl who has discovered the middle finger, understands it is mean, and is using it very inappropriately. (for those of you wondering, no- I am not sure if there is an appropriate way to flip people the bird)

Ms. Stacy tried to reprimand this girl, but the problem was getting worse and the student was laughing in her face and kept giving her the ol' "California hello". Ms. Stacy decided to bring her to the principal and told her, if she wasn't going to stop, then she was going to show Ms. Amos.

Well, the 4 year old tried to call her bluff and went with Ms. Stacy to the office. Then she wised up and wouldn't flip off Ms. Amos. So, Ms. Amos asked Ms. Stacy what had happened. Ms. Stacy explained the repeated behavior.

Ms. Amos immediately shrieked in terror and nearly yelled that if she ever heard of this child doing this again she was going to call the police. Needless to say, the finger happy four year old panicked and kept that finger tucked carefully in the rest of the day.

Ms. Amos won herself a big fan today.
Sometimes the best part of our job is being the worlds craziest least qualified most trial and error based child psychologists.

The crazy moments like that make the smiles come much easier even in the face of exhaustion.

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