Friday 28 March 2008

Today is Picture Day

My kids are all out of uniform and strutting their stuff like little models.
Today should be a riot. We are buried in the midst of test prep and it has been a burden on my overly competative psyche as it fights itself. I am philosphically opposed to standardized tests as they are being done here, and yet can't remove the pressure that my administration puts on me- or more importantly, the pressure I put on myself.

So, today, I give up my anxieties, fatigue and stress and try to focus on my students' needs both academic and social as they struggle with the desire to be more grown up than they are. (Something that they don't realize Mr. B relates with as well). Today I focus on staying positive, reaffirming, and to lead them with a smile regardless of outside circumstances. I will learn to be a rock.

Because, heck, I rock :)

Specific anecdotes from the last month coming soon- they just need to be copied from my journal.

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