Friday 28 March 2008

A big question within a small thought during a particularily small moment.

StanfordTest Results:

He continues to set the bar as high as it will go and then jump under it so convincingly it looks more like ducking than jumping. Trying not to change the rules of the game to save face which is harder when lives hang in the balance.

Author's note:
( My challange to you: Try to follow this random string of metaphorical consiousness that i wrote on the backside of the spelling test that I jotted the above note on)
Sometimes I write in third person to not sound conceded. Mostly to not sound pathetic. Sometimes it comes out poetic- but it is often more truthful than when i build stories around an I that needs to be protected by so much more than lids, because no amount of watering can make an I feel better. Failure is like a sharp stick when an I is like an eye. (here i drew an eye with an I for a pupil...)

When I can wrap my thoughts around myself like looking in, I tend to give myself the empathy I try to give others. Sometimes I might even deserve it.

Author's note on the Author's note:
The spelling test was the only 100% in the class. It did not have a name on it. Really.

Author's note on the previous notes:
Honestly, I am not that emo- things are all right here, but it does inspire a fair amount of introspection on what success, failure, and everything looks like- which will be discussed from an academic point of view in the next post.

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