Thursday 20 November 2008

Ask and you shall recieve...

I found out I had a 500 dollar grant to spend in my classroom for bucking the trend and agreeing to stay for a third year in an inner city low income school. I was very excited- like the butterflies in my stomach had heard that the breadflies were coming over and things were really coming together... (sorry). So I looked up a product that I had seen a part of from Keena ( <3 ), and I was all excited to order it. Then the other shoe dropped.

It costs like 20,000 dollars. Bummer. Well, I wonder if I can order a part of it, and maybe the school knows a way to order just a chunk of it. So, I emailed my principal and asked if she knew anything about this product.

Oh, we have that in our closet. We ordered it last year when we were told by the district that we had $30,000 and we had to spend it in 2 weeks or we would lose it. We had heard some good things and we ordered it. I guess we forgot about it. Good thing you asked!


This is both AMAZING for me, and a little depressing to see the weaknesses of bureaucracy.

However, I like this ask and you shall receive thing.

Does anyone have 1,000,000,000 frequent flier miles?

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