Monday 24 September 2007

unlike my socks...

My posts seem to come in pairs.

Today I received an email from my father that moved me to exhausted, happy tears over my lunch break.

It was one of the best moments of my lunch history.

I teach because no one has as wonderful a family as I do. Since day one I have been innundated in Love. Wrapped even more securley than even Archer Farms, double wrapped bread. I am surrounded with role models from father down to lil brother and expanding into my extended family- if I weren't to pass on the Love I would actually explode with too much care and turn into a Care Bear or something.

And that would not help the tough guy image I use to pick up chicks...


1 comment:

claudia said...

It is morning here - at least it is the start of another day of teaching, as I greeted the day long hours ago. For there were papers to be graded, lesson plans to be honed and emails from parents wondering why this and why that to be addressed. And in the midst of all that, I was thinking of you and what I have read in a few of your blogs. The exhaustion and the weariness comes through as if a large rock was thrown into the silence of a calm lake. And so I think . . ."I have called you by name; come walk with me." As I have students now entering the room wondering if they will have homework, if they have to take a quiz because they didn't get their reading done, if they can get a drink, if they can put their head down because their dog died last night and they were up all night, if they could . . . oh, yes, the voices ring on in my ears. But I want to tell you this before I leave you this today. On those days when teaching appears to be far less than a gift, a calling, a balance of love, then you find the one student sitting before you in class who has made eye contact with you. The student, though sitting in silence perhaps, who wants to learn, whose need to know is stronger than the need to put their head onto the table and drift off, stronger than the paper clip that just hit them in the head, in that time Matt - teach to that one person! You are there for a reason and you may never know that reason but you are there because you have been called by name to teach. So plant a seed today and God will send the rain to water that seed and you may never know what becomes of that seed but that is not your job or my job - to know. We are called to share our love, our passion and our hope!
I believe in you as once you believed in me to share love, hope, knowledge and passion with you!
peace and blessings
claudia munson